Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm done here

I'm bored blogging about what I eat. I like to eat and not think too hard about what I'm eating even though I don't usually eat much. I like to exercise. If I had sore muscles everyday I'd be a happy person. I never had any intention of losing 10 pounds. I'm already pretty bony, and I would look more disgusting if I did. I hate being told to eat a cheeseburger because I'm too skinny. I don't really like burgers. Really this all started to be supportive and prove that you can work out and eat few calories/day if you have the will power.

Well, Melissa upped the stakes and now I'm trying to go without sugar. This maybe the biggest challenge yet. Even though I don't eat much, I always eat sweets. I think I may gain weight by cutting out sweets. As strange as that sounds, it was like a way to tell my body I was done eating. Since I've stopped eating cookies and candy I've been hungrier in the evening. It's bizarre.

So, love yourself for who you are. I've always thought everyone looks great. Skinniness doesn't equal happiness. I'm out.

1 comment:

  1. You still motivated and made me think about what I was putting in my mouth during the day. You may not need to lose 10 pounds, but I do. Maybe I should start the blog? No, I'd be too ashamed by my consumption!

    BTW, the sugar thing...I quit drinking coke (not diet) and I can't even tell you how much better I feel. I can only imagine how I would feel by cutting sugar out entirely. You will feel great. (after about 3 weeks from suffering withdrawl). Let me know about that!
