Friday, February 4, 2011


So I've been at it for 5 days. I'm not going to lie and say that I'm not sore. Because I am. I know loads of people who have started this program and stopped. I have some theories on that.

1. It's too hard
I don't think it's all that hard. It's not like I can't finish the reps.
2. Time
I enjoyed the 90 minutes of yoga, but not everyone has that kind of time to invest.

Why I would quit (I'm not going to, but what my reasons would be):
1. Not functional enough. I think it's a program to make pretty muscles, but not the kind that you use in real life.

2. Not aerobic enough. I like to have my heart pounding and sweat dripping off my face. My heart rate has probably gotten into the 140's, but I have yet to sweat.

Really I need to get some weights heavier than 5lbs, but I don't want to get bulky muscle. It's something my body is good at, but I don't like how it looks. My shoulders already struggle to fit into my shirts.

Basically, that was week 1 and I have 11 more to go. Also, the first 3 weeks repeat; boring.

Sunday, January 23, 2011


Appropriate name for a workout I would love.
I know this is a bit of an infomercial, but it is 100% true. It's not for everyone. You have to be crazy about working out, love the pain, and love sweating. It's the hardest workout I've ever done, and I've done it 2x back to back. My results have been awesome. I've lost 3 inches of my hips/butt, 2 1/4 inches off my waist and 10 lbs. I have never loved my butt and thighs as much as I do right now. What I'm surprised about is that my arms aren't more cut after all the upper body stuff. Typically my arms are cut long before any fat starts to melt off my butt.
I love fitting into my old jeans, and having a body that will do anything I ask it. Including carrying 45 lbs worth of kids up 2 flights of stairs without being winded or having any muscle burn. I want to try P90X next. And I'll review it in 3 months. But for now anyone who is crazy about getting in shape, this is it.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How To Tape Your Abs

Most to nearly all people who have been pregnant and even more who have actually pushed the kid out, have torn their abs. Mine were torn badly after Dylan. Mostly because I was stupid and thought I was invincible. Just because you can do a sit-up doesn't mean you should. So my abs were torn mostly below my ribs, but all the way down to my belly button. I could also stick my fingers in to at least the first knuckle.

If you want to test this yourself, lay down and lift your head up, unsupported, like doing a crunch. Now stick your fingers vertically in between your abs in the center of your stomach.

My fellow PT and women's health specialist, Dureece, told me to tape my abs when I did abdominal work and they would grow back together. I kind of didn't believe her. So my abs were painful and I rarely worked them out in between being pregnant with Dylan and Maisy. Since I've started working out again after Maisy, I've been taping my abs. Holy Smokes! It works! My abs are not painful and are closer together.

As we say in PT taping is more of an art than a science. You can use regular wide athletic tape.
1. Start up by your ribs
2. Tear off 4 3-4 inch strips
3. Anchor on the left side of your abs, just under your ribs
4. Pull to the right side and anchor that end (your skin should be bunched up)
5. Anchor another strip on the right side just below and slightly overlapping the first strip
6. Pull to the left side and anchor that end
7. Repeat with the last 2 strips going back to the left side then the right side
Note the bunched skin.